пятница, 5 июня 2009 г.

Watch Racing for Recovery Live Stream Online!

CNN brings us a story about athletic redemption: Eddie Freas, a raging alcoholic addicted to both pot and cocaine as well hit bottom after a three-day binge.

While lamenting his situation in tears, he did what most losers do, he turns on the TV to "Oz-out" the hangover. Luckily enough the channel was set to ESPN who was doing a story on a guy named Todd Crandell who liked doing this fringe sport called the triathlon. Doing this sport also got him off drugs.

In fact, this particular sport got Crandell who had a drug problem like Freas, completely off drugs. From CNN:

"His whole story seemed like mine," Freas said. "That's why it hit me so much. It was my story but it happened to somebody else. I knew I had to get back into fitness."

He took a bus to Racing for Recovery's office in Sylvania, Ohio. There, Freas said he learned to "stay clean and use other things -- fitness, instead of drugs." On his first day, Freas pushed himself to run 10 miles.

"It killed me," Freas said. "I was just motivated. I was sore for a week and I gradually got into it. As soon as I started including fitness into my everyday lifestyle, it made it so much easier. It kept me busy and because of the physical fitness, it was making me feel better about myself."

He pushed himself to run farther and raced in his first Ironman competition in 2008.

Of course CNN has to wreck it and states that exercise has antidepressant effects hence his recvovery but I think they miss the obvious. Isn't "having fun" an antidepressant? Isn't a "grand accomplishment" by overcoming massive barriers not only a antidepressant but make one realize that they can be effective at something or perhaps anything?

OK, a show of hands: Who did a triathlon after seeing Julie Moss crawl accross the finish line in the 1981 Ironman Triathlon on Wild World of Sports.

Watch Racing for Recovery Live Stream Online!

среда, 3 июня 2009 г.

Watch new texas license plates preview here!

After seven years, Texas has a cool new license plate finally.

But don't rush out to get one just yet, advises Dallas County tax assessor-collector John Ames.

The county tax office has to issue current plate designs until their supply runs out, Ames says.

So don't buy new plates until your old ones have expired, Ames says. Plates are good for seven years. Plus, if you wait, you can get the new ones for free.

Here is more information about the plates from the tax office:

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has finally released a colorful new license plate to replace the current design introduced nine years ago. Last February, Texas citizens participated in an online survey where TxDOT posted five designs for public viewing and voting.

TxDOT has scheduled the first shipment of new plates to go out to Dallas County on June 5, 2009.

TxDOT reports that Texans loved the new designs they offered for viewing and voting. TxDOT received e-mails from close to 10,000 citizens explaining why they voted for a particular design, and thanking the agency for giving them the opportunity to choose. The citizens of this state spoke with 1.1 million e-Votes, 455,878 of those cast for the Lone Star Texas.

This is also the first of the new seven-character combinations. TxDOT has finally exhausted the alpha-numeric license plate patterns for the current six-character version.

"This has been coming for a long time and we are pleased that TxDOT was able to implement the new seven character combinations at the same time as the new license plate design," Ames said.

Watch Video and Picture New Texas License Plates Online Here!

Watch movie My Life in Ruins online for free here

Director: Donald Petrie

Writer (WGA): Mike Reiss

A travel guide rediscovers her romantic side on a trip around Greece.

Nia Vardalos
Richard Dreyfuss
Alexis Georgoulis
Alistair McGowan
Harland Williams
Rachel Dratch

For the past week it feels like Greece cannot stop talking about this film! I was lucky enough to be invited by a friend to the world premiere in Athens (am Greek-American, grew up in Baltimore, married here, so living in Athens for about five years.) The Premiere was an elegant occasion with a private reception with delicious food. The audience of about 1500 people went crazy for this film. They laughed and laughed and clapped and everyone I talked to said they wanted to see it again. This movie has captured the joy of life in this country I love. But just like My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you don't have to be Greek to like it. It is such a funny movie and beautiful to look at. All the actors do a great job and Nia and Alexis are very romantic together. When they look at each other, you actually believe they're a couple (I know they're not!!) Just like with the first movie, I know Greeks can laugh at themselves (I was there, I heard them laughing like crazy!! Of course, there are always insecure people in this world but I think those type of people get offended by anything so who cares?) so I am sure the movie will do well here, and also in every country because it is a movie about tourists and traveling and being able to fall in love when you think there isn't a chance for you anymore. All I can say is, once again, Vardalos got it right."

Watch and download The My Life in Ruins 2009 for free full HD here!